(1,379 reviews)

How to remove backgrounds in seconds


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Remove image background


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Get a preview of Picsart's background templates

Looking to create your own background? Get a massive head start with Picsart's expert-crafted templates. Find a ready-to-go background design for any purpose and style. Easily customize each background template to meet your content and style needs in a matter of minutes.

Browse social media templates

A BG remover for every occasion

Whether you're editing product photos, a LinkedIn portrait, or creating a fun car edit, Picsart's background remover can handle it all.

DIY a studio-level portrait for your LinkedIn profile picture, Discord avatar, or even passport photos with the online background remover.

image with transparent background
Transparent Background
image with new background
New background

Background eraser reviews

Background remover FAQ

What does the background remover do?

What are the benefits of removing the background from an image?

  • You can create a professional and polished look for products or marketing purposes.
  • You can use your image in many scenarios because the subject is cut out and easily transferable.
  • Highlight the main subject to draw attention.
  • Create visual consistency for your brand or website.

Is background remover free?

You can try the background remover free of charge for 7 days by getting a trial to Picsart’s subscription plan. 

Can I remove the image background without losing any quality?

Yes, the Picsart editor preserves the original quality of the photo. However, if you want to increase the quality you can use the built-in AI enhancer to upscale the resolution.

Can I integrate the Picsart background remover tool via API?

Can I make my photo’s background transparent?

Yes! Just remove the background and leave it as it is and once you download it in a PNG format, the background will be transparent.